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Audio & Video Testimonials

Hear the Difference

Former Minnesota Viking,
Greg Coleman

Testimonial Videos

Bill Bardwell Testimonial
Kristen Peterson Testimonial
Mark Steiner Testimonial
Nicki Holtz Testimonial
Vicki Holtz Testimonial

Knee Pain Knee pain? Hard to walk? Can't run? Call ABT!

Written Testimonials

Mark's Story

I would like to thank you for your prompt service and informative in-services detailing the uses and protocols of the Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse units. We are receiving some very encouraging and dramatic results in our department with the units and our patients are very satisfied.

Again, thank you for everything.
- Mark P. Hanak, A.T.C.
  Dow Chemical Company
  Medical Department

Betty's Story

My experience with the I.A.C. has been an extremely positive one after having been through many modalities since the onset of degenerative disk disease. My experiences have included many physical therapy programs, 13 nerve blocks, biofeedback, acupressure, chiropractic care, a lumbar laminectomy, rehabilitation programs and in-hospital pain management programs, movement therapy, meditation and lastly art therapy. As you might imagine, if there was even a remote possibility that my pain could be lessened, I was right in there trying. As most chronic pain sufferers eventually find out, it is like being on a roller coaster, some days being either better or worse than other days. It was not until I was offered the opportunity to begin therapy at the I.A.C. in Bldg, 1 that, for the VERY FIRST TIME, I was actually free of pain as I had never been before. I feel that the use of the Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse equipment as administrated by the caring and dedicated staff at the center was paramount in this initial phase of the management of my pain. It did not happen all at once; in fact, at first I hurt more! But because of the treatments and the gentle stretching and use of the exercise equipment, I am working full-time and no longer consider the prospect of permanent disability as my only option. It makes me very happy to encourage any G.E. employee to see if they would be a candidate for this treatment for, until you've been there, you can't imagine the results!

- Betty Galloway, R.N.
  General Electric Appliance Division
  Louisville, Kentucky

Sam's Story

"In total amazement, I went from handicap to a recovered heart and stroke patient walking with a natural stride"

My cardiology advisors had been telling me for 5 years, calcium deposits were forming on my aorta heart valve, which in time would need replacement, as a closing of the valve would eventually happen. The valve closure, as told to my family and me, "will cause a heart malfunction and very possibly have a fatal result."

The "pig" heart valve transplant occurred in July of 2006. In the course of the operation, my body went into a stroke and effected functions on the right side such as the right leg and right arm and possibly left-brain memory. I was told this after surgery recovery.

While hospitalized, there were many complications which delayed any hospital discharge. From Pneumonia, to severe diarrhea, to intestine blockage, etc., the hospitalization extended two months. Upon release, there was a restricted use of the right leg, which required wheelchair mobility. In a short period of time, there was a graduation to a walker and finally to the use of a cane.

I still had a pronounced right leg limp at which time, treatment was received from ABT. I was told the limp would be eliminated and quality of mobility would be back to a normal stride. After only one treatment, there did occur a right leg natural stride. In total amazement, I went from handicapped, to a recovered heart and stroke patient walking with natural stride. I am very grateful to ABT.

- Sam S.

Tom's Story

"I took 4 Advil every morning, and 4 more later"

My left knee was sore and swollen. This came about slowly. I was taking painkillers every day. I am pretty active and was sure I had somehow torn something and would need arthroscopic surgery, which I dreaded. My wife, a nurse, finally got me to make an appointment with a joint specialist. I got x-rays, and he did not say "arthroscopic surgery" instead, he said I had arthritis. Worse, he said I was a big active guy and this is what happens to big active guys sooner or later. Tough stuff. Live with it until I want a new knee put in. I cried. I am far from ready to be decrepit.

I ran into an old friend who told me about her recovery after doctors had thrown up their hands. I figured "what the heck, it's not as if I hadn't wasted my money before" at least this was a chance, although I was extremely skeptical that it would do any good.

How I felt in the past, I was in full denial that there was anything wrong with my knee. Everybody, even strangers, would ask me why I was limping. I'd respond, "I am not limping" well, of course, I was. I took 4 Advil every morning, and 4 more later. I know that's hard on your stomach but the constant pain was worse.

My experience with the Acuscope/Myopulse was that I had no idea what the deal was with the gizmos. The clinical setting and Ed's manner was very pleasant. There was no pain associated with the treatment. The knee joint crunched and thunked while he rubbing it with the instrument and I was sure it would hurt like crazy when I tried to stand afterwards. Not so. I stood up and the pain was mostly gone. I kept trying to feel it and it simply wasn't there anymore.

- Tom M.

Arlene's Story

"I was told that it was a charlatan machine by the specialist who had treated me for months with no relief"

My husband and I started with Alzheimer's a few years ago. He was getting lost and word would get back to me that he was driving into farmyards asking how to get home. He was diagnosed by our family doctor last year with Alzheimer's, so I started treating him with my Electro-Acuscope which had saved me from "RSD" Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy about ten years ago (also a so-called incurable disease).

I had tried at the time to get the medical field to use this for RSD but I was told it was a charlatan machine by the specialist who had treated me for months with no relief. It breaks my heart when I read about RSD patients who could be helped like I was as the pain of RSD is unbearable. Getting back to Alzheimer's... my husband, at age 76, shows no signs of the disease. How can I get the medical profession to call me? The machine is effective and as such is a threat to the drug companies who brainwash the medical field that only a new and expansive drug be developed. Why must we have thousands of people with one of the most awful diseases? How can we get the medical profession to experiment with it as I did and help all these people to live a dignified life in the later years?

- Arlene F.